Monday, November 21, 2016

Rant - Rewriting the US Tax Code

It's my personal belief that as a representing Geek it's my responsibility to constantly increase my knowledge in all things and to do that you have to read more than just comics (unfortunately).  Today the Wall Street Journal's article titled, "Years of Turmoil Forged Tax Plan" just sent me over the edge.  Here's how it starts:
"Republicans' race to rewrite the U.S. tax code on the heels of this month's election relies on years of work that is suddenly and quite unexpectedly poised to pay off.  A 2017 tax overhaul would be a case study in the benefits of dead ends and behind the scenes preparation.  Failure would show again how hard it is to reshape the U.S. tax system, even with rare political momentum and one-party control of government.  Republicans have long sought a rate-lowering, base-broadening revamp of the tax code, fusing differing business interests within the GOP coalition.  Corporation would get a rate cut and lighter taxes on foreign income.  So would small businesses, who report profits on their owners' individual tax returns.  Individuals would get those lower rates and simpler annual tax filing."
I read this and thought to myself, how can anyone read this and not be super frustrated?  To me this entire intro points to everything that is wrong with the party division currently in place in our government.  To this point I refer to one section:
"Republicans have long sought a rate-lowering, base-broadening revamp of the tax code, fusing differing business interests within the GOP coalition."  
This is why the government does not function.  The tax code applies to ALL Americans not just those in the GOP!  Look I'm Republican with a hard lean towards Libertarian and this just pisses me off.  How about approaching a problem from the aspect of the all the people of America?  Every single item being considered to become law these days has one common underlying theme; it greatly benefits the party backing it and spits in the face of the others.  Here is an idea, how about we begin writing laws that improve the lives of all American people?  Not just some, not just a minority group, not just a political party but the entire county.  No?  Too controversial?

Look I know it's not easy, in fact it's very difficult and of course I realize pretty much anything you put on the table will benefit one group of people while alienating another but my point is that things can be put in place to benefit the greater good and not shit on everyone else.  These two major parties are spending an immense amount of time and tax payer money wasting time developing legislature that only serves their interests and will never make it into law; and even though this tactic fails over and over we continue to keep doing the exact same thing.  Isn't that the definition of something?

I know there are many variables and things that need to be considered in this process that I'm not discussing here.  However, if the people running this government could just focus their energy into leading this country toward improving the social, financial and moral standing of all it's people and away from the self serving roots that poison the system and bring progress to a screeching halt, we could be on our way to actual change.

Hoping to one day see this change,

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