Friday, October 28, 2016

Do we still need Wonder Woman after 75 years?

I read the title of this article and thought to myself: Why is this even a question?  The answer is obviously YES!

Immediately I was wondering if they might actually be arguing that we don't need her but was very happy to see that wasn't the case.
Wonder Woman has a much bigger problem than people framing her as a sexualized pin-up girl draped in the American flag, however. She has a reputation for being — dare I say it — boring. Boring to the point that people have published lists of exactly why she is boring, with complaints centering on a boring supporting cast, boring villains, boring weapons and overall boring stories.  
In the era of Ms. MarvelMaps MizoguchiAmerica Chavez and Faith, do we even need boring old Wonder Woman anymore?
The answer is a simple one: Yes. We need Wonder Woman just as much today as we did in 1941. Although at first glance she might feel like a throwback, with connotations of second-wave feminism, she remains genuinely radical, and it is precisely that radicalness that makes her unique in superhero comics.
In a genre defined by violence, Wonder Woman is, at heart, a pacifist. Her earliest adventures literally pitted her against War, personified in the form of the Greek god Ares. Diana’s lasso of truth might seem a puny weapon, but that’s precisely the point: it is meant to enlighten, rather than harm. Truth wins out over War and Deception.
Check out the whole article Do We Still Need Wonder Woman After 75 Years?  for some more interesting takes on this timeless Amazonian Warrior!

As another testement to the need of Wonder Woman, how can a character that inspires adorableness like this not be needed?  Pint Sized Wonder Womans Dad takes to Photo Shop

Here's to another 75 years,

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