Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Mini" Reading - X-Men Black Sun

Mini (Series) reading can admittedly suck sometimes.  For the most part they are, as a rule, hit and miss but every once in a while you get a winner.  The X-Men are mini-series whores.  Like a few cheerleaders, they might not know it but they just are.

I actually bought these books on a whim from ebay.  You know when you buy something and then that same seller has other items for good prices and your like, "heck why not, I'll get combined shipping".  Yep this was one of those.  I really enjoyed it for a few reasons my number one was the return of MAGIK!  Not only is she like my 6th favorite X-Men but that is also my preferred spelling of the word magik (also known as magic).

Chris Claremont does a great job weaving this tale but I wont go over the whole story because some poor soul has already done that in great detail @ UXN.

I did want to however want to share some of my favorite panels.  Even though it's painfully clear the art in these books are classic late 90's early 00's style there is still some really cool stuff from artist Tom Derenick.

As seen above there is some great stuff in this mini-series and any X-Men fan should have a copy in their collection!  And in the last pages, a classic comics wrap up and who doesn't love a good "with great responsibility..." speech?

Back to reading more comics,

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