Thursday, December 15, 2011

Amazing Spider-Man Movie - Suction Cups?

Ok, so I'm not on the edge of cutting edge entertainment news but I just saw the following shot from the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man movie and I'm a little confused and concerned about what I see.  Check it out:

Are those suction cups? Seriously?

Why the hell would SPIDER-MAN need suction cups?!  Spider-Man does NOT have suction cups!  Look, I'm all about creative liberties but SUCTION CUPS?!  I'm not exactly what is going on here.  I've scoured the internet to see if I can find a reason why this new adaptation of Spider-Man has suction cups but have come up short.  I'm super happy about the change from organic webs in the previous series to the web shooters to me they're a big part of the character but I cannot fathom any instance in which suction cups come into play.  I own 1000+ issues of Spider-Man titles, I SHOULD KNOW.

Historically, the only time suction cups even come close to anything Spider-Man was when the Spider-Man villain Blood Spider tried to mimic his powers and was rumored to use mini suction caps to stick to walls in a strategy to try to defeat Spider-Man.  Well guess what, HE LOST, you know why?  Probably because of THE SUCTION CUPS!!!  ARRHHGGG!!!  As you can see I'm not happy.  This is just not a worthy perception of Spider-Mans powers.  Look how fast Spider-Man takes out Blood Spider in Amazing Spider-Man #367:
Ok, I think I'm done.  I just hope that they do a great job with this movie and I'm looking forward to thoroughly enjoying it, so here hoping there aren't going to be too many weird deviations like this.

SUCTION CUPS!?! Ok now I'm done,

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