Thursday, August 27, 2009

Plaxico hires a Prison Consultant

I had to laugh when I saw this.  A prison consultant???  What kind of qualifications do you think you have to have in order to be a prison consultant?  I’m guessing a resume brimming of full color pictures of your assorted prison tats?

Anyways, along with the story just making me chuckle, the explanation of exactly what a prison consultant does made me laugh; and while probably not purposefully, it was the highlight of the story for me.  So, for your viewing pleasure:

What do prison consultants do?

They help get you into the best prison and orient you on its rules and customs. Going to prison is a little bit like heading off to college. The first step is finding an institution that's right for you. Then there's a lot of anxiety: Who will be your roommate? Where is the library? What time does the dining hall close? How do you make a good impression with the people in charge? Will you make friends? A prison consultant addresses these concerns.

Check out SLATE for the remainder of the story.

Also, my personal opinion is that, based on my thesis for what makes someone qualified to be a prison consultant, he should definitely hire the guy from Prison Break.

Plaxico BurressPrison Break Michael Wentworh Miller

Good stuff right?  Don’t they make quite the pair?  I think that if this stuff doesn’t end up on SNL shortly, they are missing the funny boat.

Still staring into the distance to where my funny boat disappeared into the horizon,

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