Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 Already Depressing?

Ok, sometimes the crap that pops up on the homepage (that I’ve been forced to read due to it being the default homepage on my PC, and my general laziness) is entertaining enough to click and maybe read before I move on to Google.  But not today!  Today I pop on the web and I have to see this CRAP:

Jan 18 depressing calandar

Knee jerk reaction: ‘You’ve got to be $%&#ing kidding me!’.  But of course I follow along behind the rest of the cattle and click this junk to find this intro:

Poets, publicists and psychiatrists all have their candidates for the bleakest time of the year. According to one equation devised by Dr. Cliff Arnall, a British researcher from Cardiff University, Jan. 18 is 2010’s most depressing day. His formula for this bleak prediction takes into account factors like post-holiday blahs and debt, failed New Year’s resolutions and, this year, the nasty chill that has reached much further south than usual. This particular peak in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) isn't the only time that we're prone to feeling low.

Research also indicates that new antidepressant prescriptions peak around Thanksgiving and suicide rates are highest during the spring. If April is a difficult month for your mood, this correlates to T.S. Eliot’s choice, characterized as "the cruellest month." 

So what can you do if you are feeling the winter blues—and how do you know when you should seek help? –

I wasn’t depressed before, BUT I AM NOW! 

Let me rephrase these ‘technical terms’ used by Head Shrink Arnall:

Post-Holiday blahs = Longest most terrible hangover of the year (all two weeks of it)
Post-Holiday Debt = The realization that you blew two months rent on presents for people you don’t like, and motorized hamsters for their snot nosed kids
Failed New Year’s Resolutions = As if the statistics of 65% of American’s being over weight and 16 million being severely poor wasn’t enough; you’ve already failed at a goal you set for your self two weeks ago…keep up the hard work and dedication!
Seasonal Affective Disorder = A made up way of saying the ‘rain rain go away’ song had an adverse effect on you as a child (huge exasperated sigh here)

And if you, like me, are depressed 2 1/2 weeks into the new year just remember: you could be living in Haiti…or Canada.

~Steve V

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Letters to the Comic Shop 1/12/10

Comix Crew,

     I've decided that since Wal-Mart runs the world and now some stores in our area have decided to force it's customers to purchase reusable bags, I will be bringing in the plastic bags from my past purchases so that you can use them again with other customers! I'll also be buying too big sweat pants in order to shove comics, and other things I buy, down my pants because I 1) love mother earth and 2) want to be just like the people at Wal-Mart...and I'm always seeing HUGE people pouring out of sweats in Wal-Mart...that's not FAT!!!  They're just doing their part to save the world!!!...right?


BATMAN # 695

Short list this week...this is crap!  If I don't have comics to read I'll have more time to WORK!  NOOOOOO0000000ooooooo...

Have a good week,

Steven V